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The Story of Apollo - Amazon’s Deployment Engine

All Things Distributed

'Automated deployments are the backbone of a strong DevOps environment. Without efficient, reliable, and repeatable software updates, engineers need to redirect their focus from developing new features to managing and debugging their deployments. Amazon first faced this challenge many years ago. When making the move to a service-oriented architecture, Amazon refactored its software into small independent services and restructured its organization into small autonomous teams.

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When to use @extend; when to use a mixin

CSS Wizardry

When is it suitable to use Sass @extend or mixin features, and why?


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Let's Write Some x86-64

Nick Desaulniers

…“‘Our speech interposes itself between apprehension and truth like a dusty pane or warped mirror. The tongue of Eden was like a flawless glass; a light of total understanding streamed through it. Thus Babel was a second Fall.’ And Isaac the Blind, an early Kabbalist, said that, to quote Gershom Scholem’s translation, ‘The speech of men is connected with divine speech and all language whether heavenly or human derives from one source: the Divine Name.’ T

C++ 98
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Let's Write Some X86-64

O'Reilly Software

…"‘Our speech interposes itself between apprehension and truth like a dusty pane or warped mirror. The tongue of Eden was like a flawless glass; a light of total understanding streamed through it. Thus Babel was a second Fall.’ And Isaac the Blind, an early Kabbalist, said that, to quote Gershom Scholem’s translation, ‘The speech of men is connected with divine speech and all language whether heavenly or human derives from one source: the Divine Name.

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Reducing JavaScript Bloat with Shoestring

Tim Kadlec

Those smart and clever folks at The Filament Group formally announced yet another useful tool yesterday: a “lightweight, simple DOM utility” they call Shoestring. I’ve been using Shoestring for awhile now, and I’m a huge fan. In fact it has become my go-to solution when I need such a tool. It’s small, powerful, and very, very smart. It’s very rare that I write about a specific tool.

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The Persistent Imbalance Between Supply and Demand for Software Development Labor

The Agile Manager

The growth in demand for software has consistently outpaced the growth in the supply of software developers. This has been the case for well over half a century. It's worth looking at why. Each major expansion in software development - automation (60s), productivity (80s), internet (90s), mobile (00s) - has been additive to the total stock of software in the world.

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Accessing A Localhost Server From Genymotion

The Polyglot Developer

Many times when developing Android applications, you’re doing it to pair with a web server. You’re planning on creating this awesome web service / Android experience, but you aren’t quite ready to publish the web service to the internet. The following will show you how to connect the Genymotion Android emulator to a locally hosted web application. The post Accessing A Localhost Server From Genymotion appeared first on The Polyglot Developer.

Servers 72

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PSA: Service Workers are Coming

Alex Russell

IF YOU DO NOT RUN A SITE THAT HOSTS UNTRUSTED/USER-PROVIDED FILES OVER SSL/TLS, YOU CAN STOP READING NOW. This post describes the potential amplification of existing risks that Service Workers bring for multi-user origins where the origin may not fully trust the content or, in which, users should not be able to modify each other’s content. Sites hosting multiple-user content in separate directories, e.g.

Storage 46
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Velocity: Better performance through better design

Speed Curve

Improve web performance by improving your design process… it needs to be iterative, mindful, principled and visual. At my third Velocity conference for the year (this time in beautiful Barcelona) my keynote presentation explored the ways in which a thoughtfully developed design process can lead to higher functioning teams and better web performance.

Design 45
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Wayfair Tech

Here's our Frontline team at work, in our spiffy network operations center: [caption id="attachment_2043" align="alignleft" width="584"] Wayfair network operations center[/caption] Selling home goods on the internet isn't rocket science, but if you actually wanted to send a couch to the moon, you'd want to plan for and monitor. Read more.

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The Easiest Way to Compute in the Cloud – AWS Lambda

All Things Distributed

'When AWS launched, it changed how developers thought about IT services: What used to take weeks or months of purchasing and provisioning turned into minutes with Amazon EC2. Capital-intensive storage solutions became as simple as PUTting and GETting objects in Amazon S3. At AWS we innovate by listening to and learning from our customers, and one of the things we hear from them is that they want it to be even simpler to run code in the cloud and to connect services together easily.

Lambda 111
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The Specificity Graph

CSS Wizardry

The Specificity Graph as a model for visualising specificity issues in your code

Code 100
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Write a Test Case

Nick Desaulniers

Your application just broke, oh no! It couldn’t have been your code, right? I’ve always had trouble spotting mistakes in my own work such as spelling, grammar, mathematical, or even in programming. With spelling or grammar, office applications quickly pick up on my mistakes and underline them for me, but most of my mistakes come from my own hubris.

Testing 51
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Write a Test Case

O'Reilly Software

Your application just broke, oh no! It couldn’t have been your code, right? I’ve always had trouble spotting mistakes in my own work such as spelling, grammar, mathematical, or even in programming. With spelling or grammar, office applications quickly pick up on my mistakes and underline them for me, but most of my mistakes come from my own hubris.

Testing 52
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"RWD is bad for performance" is good for performance

Tim Kadlec

Myths are powerful things. They certainly have the ability to destroy—we’ve seen that many times. But put the right spin on a myth and you can use it to build up; to create something new and better. Responsive design just can’t seem to shake the rumor that it’s bad for performance. It’s very frequently spouted as a downside of the technique—a reason why you may not want to pursue responsive design for a project.

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Deflation and Technical Debt

The Agile Manager

Technical debt is a useful metaphor for explaining why some code is faster to complete but more expensive to maintain. It is also helpful in explaining design decisions made for sake of expediency, or because of an outright lack of knowledge. Tech debt can be a real burden on development, particularly as it takes away time that would otherwise be directed toward productive investment in new feature development.

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Launch External URLs with Ionic Framework

The Polyglot Developer

I recently found myself needing to launch external URLs with Ionic Framework. I needed to let my users contact me via my personal website or visit my Twitter page. This is not a task that ends well when trying to execute from an Ionic view. Luckily, with a little help from the Apache Cordova plugin InAppBrowser , I was able to accomplish the task with very little effort.

Website 72
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How Looker is unlocking Business Intelligence using YAML

Abhishek Tiwari

Recently I discovered Looker, a relatively new Business Intelligence (BI) platform which utilises a YAML based modeling language LookML. LookML is core engine of Looker. LookML offers a very powerful, highly expressive yet lightweight modeling layer. LookML combines data modelling with on-demand data transformations, and data derivations at the same layer.

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Uncomfortably Excited

Alex Russell

Jeremy Keith is wringing his hands about Web Components. I likewise can’t attend the second Extensible Web Summit and so have a bit of time to respond here. Full disclosure: I helped design Web Components and, with Dimitri Glazkov and Alex Komoroske , helped lead the team at Google that brought them from concept to reality. I am, as they say, invested.

Google 41
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Velocity: A better waterfall chart

Speed Curve

The way we visualize performance data can have an impact on how we interpret and communicate performance issues within our teams. In this talk from Velocity New York I explored the importance of data visualization and presented some of my own explorations into re-imagining the classic waterfall chart which is the mainstay of front-end performance analysis.

Metrics 40
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Memory Bandwidth Requirements of the HPL benchmark

John McCalpin

The High Performance LINPACK (HPL) benchmark is well known for delivering a high fraction of peak floating-point performance. The (historically) excellent scaling of performance as the number of processors is increased and as the frequency is increased suggests that memory bandwidth has not been a performance limiter. But this does not mean that memory bandwidth will *never* be a performance limiter.

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Expanding The Cloud - Introducing The Amazon EC2 Container Service

All Things Distributed

'Today, I am excited to announce the Preview of the Amazon EC2 Container Service , a highly scalable, high performance container management service. We created EC2 Container Service to help customers run and manage Dockerized distributed applications. Benefits of Containers. Customers have been using Linux containers for quite some time on AWS and have increasingly adopted microservice architectures.

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CSS Wizardry Ltd.: Year 1 in review

CSS Wizardry

A look back on my first year of self employment

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How to Easily Deploy an IMDG in the Cloud

ScaleOut Software

Cloud-based applications enjoy the unique elasticity that cloud infrastructures provide. As more computing resources are needed to handle a growing workload, virtual servers (also called cloud “ instances ”) can be added to take up the slack. For example, consider a web server farm handling requests for web users or mobile apps. Being able to add computing resources on demand keeps work queues small and ensures that web users always see fast response times.

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Expanding the Cloud: Docker Containers in Elastic Beanstalk

All Things Distributed

'We launched Elastic Beanstalk in 2011 with support for Java web applications and Tomcat 6 in one region, and we''ve seen the service grow to 6 container types (Java/Tomcat, PHP, Ruby, Python,NET, and Node.js) supported in 8 AWS regions around the world. The Elastic Beanstalk team spends a lot of time talking to AWS Developers, and in the last few months they''ve noticed a common theme in those conversations: developers tell us they''re interested in Docker , and ask if we are thinking about mak

Cloud 103
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CSS Guidelines 2.0.0

CSS Wizardry

Announcing the next iteration and business model of my popular CSS Guidelines document

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Advice to budding front-end developers

CSS Wizardry

A collation of the advice I regularly give out to new and emerging web developers

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CSS Wizardry referral scheme

CSS Wizardry

A way to say thank you to the individuals responsible for their companies hiring me

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Hacks for dealing with specificity

CSS Wizardry

A couple of quick hacks and tricks for manipulating specificity

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A new focus, a new site

CSS Wizardry

Redesigning CSS Wizardry to better suit my needs

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Vim for People Who Think Things Like Vim Are Weird and Hard

CSS Wizardry

An introduction to the whats and the whys of using Vim as your text editor

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Grouping related classes in your markup

CSS Wizardry

An interesting way of visually and ‘physically’ grouping multiple class attributes

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My Trello workflow

CSS Wizardry

How I manage development projects using Trello

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Naming UI components in OOCSS

CSS Wizardry

A way of giving complex, OOCSS-built components more meaningful names

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Use zero-width spaces to stop annoying Twitter users

CSS Wizardry

A little trick to stop mentioning Twitter users when you write @import, etc.

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Extending silent classes in Sass

CSS Wizardry

A simple trick for controlling the reach of Sass’ `@extend`

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Customer Centricity at Amazon Web Services

All Things Distributed

'In the 2013 Amazon Shareholder letter , Jeff Bezos spent time explaining the decision to pursue a customer-centric way in our business. As regular readers of this letter will know, our energy at Amazon comes from the desire to impress customers rather than the zeal to best competitors. We don’t take a view on which of these approaches is more likely to maximize business success.

AWS 99