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In-Stream Big Data Processing

Highly Scalable

The shortcomings and drawbacks of batch-oriented data processing were widely recognized by the Big Data community quite a long time ago. It became clear that real-time query processing and in-stream processing is the immediate need in many practical applications. In recent years, this idea got a lot of traction and a whole bunch of solutions like Twitter’s Storm, Yahoo’s S4, Cloudera’s Impala, Apache Spark, and Apache Tez appeared and joined the army of Big Data and NoSQL systems.

Big Data 154
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Expanding the Cloud - Introducing AWS OpsWorks, a Powerful.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding the Cloud - Introducing AWS OpsWorks, a Powerful Application Management Solution. By Werner Vogels on 18 February 2013 11:30 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Today Amazon Web Services launched AWS OpsWorks , a flexible application management solution with automation tools that enable you to model and control your applications and their supporting infrastructure.

AWS 141

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Workshop: Event Handler, London, February 2014

CSS Wizardry

My first workshop in association with the fine folk at Event Handler

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Why we need responsive images

Tim Kadlec

The topic of responsive images has been one of the most hotly debated topics amongst web developers for what feels like forever. I think Jason Grigsby was perhaps the first to publicly point out that simply setting a percentage width on images was not enough, you needed to resize these images as well. He showed that if you served appropriately sized images on the original responsive demo site, you could shave 78% off the weight of those images (about 162kB) on small screens.

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Conflict, Part I

The Agile Manager

Product management was never a formal responsibility; it just sort of happened. Early on, it was driven by what the technical wizards came up with. But the magic left the development team years ago: it had been gutted by several rounds of staff cuts that took the garrulous personalities and innovative thinkers. It took the wind from development's sails: those who were still on the payroll were just happy to have kept their jobs.

Design 65
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Performance tips for building responsive sites

Speed Curve

The following article was originally published in the 2013 Performance Calendar. There's 31 great articles to explore in the calendar including Steve Souders's browser wishlist and Tim Kadlec's take on what it takes to create a performance culture. -. Responsive Web Design (RWD) is now a well established technique yet it’s adoption is still surprisingly low.

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A Standard Data Layer for Customer Experience Data

Abhishek Tiwari

After much deliberation, recently W3C Customer Experience Digital Data Community Group released version 1.0 of Customer Experience Digital Data Layer (CEDDL). This specification is designed to communicate customer experience digital data to analytics and reporting services.

More Trending

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Long Term Web Semantics

Alex Russell

Something irks me about the phrase “semantic HTML” The intent is clear enough — using HTML in ways that are readable, using plain language to describe things. But that’s not what “semantic” means. We might as well be saying “well written” or “copy edited” They’d be closer fits. What we describe today as “unsemantic markup” isn’t really; there is actual meaning to end-users, but it is conveyed with long-winded mar

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Function.prototype.bind Edge Cases

O'Reilly Software

ECMAScript 5’s Function.prototype.bind is a great tool that’s implemented in all modern browser JavaScript engines. It allows you to modify the context, this, of a function when it is evaluated in the future. Knowing what this refers to in various contexts is key to being a professional JavaScript developer; don’t show up to an interview without knowing all about it.

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DynamoDB One Year Later - All Things Distributed

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. DynamoDB One Year Later: Bigger, Better, and 85% Cheaperâ?¦. By Werner Vogels on 07 March 2013 08:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Time passes very quickly around here and I hadnâ??t realized until recently that over a year has gone by since we launched DynamoDB.

Ecommerce 119
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Taking DynamoDB beyond Key-Value: Now with Faster, More Flexible, More Powerful Query Capabilities

All Things Distributed

'We launched DynamoDB last year to address the need for a cloud database that provides seamless scalability, irrespective of whether you are doing ten transactions or ten million transactions, while providing rock solid durability and availability. Our vision from the day we conceived DynamoDB was to fulfil this need without limiting the query functionality that people have come to expect from a database.

Games 106
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Dutch Enterprises and The Cloud

All Things Distributed

'This spring I travelled through Europe for the AWS Global Summit series. In my many conversations with customers, and with the media, I encountered surprise and excitement about the extent that European enterprises have already been using the Amazon Web Services for some time. Whether it is large telecommunications manufactures like Nokia Siemens Networks running their real-time data analytics for network operators on AWS, or a luxury hotel chain like Kempinski moving their core IT functions to

Cloud 100
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I wrote (part of) a book!

CSS Wizardry

My section in the latest Smashing Book

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My setup

CSS Wizardry

A brief overview of my tools and software I use for work

Software 100
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The problems with ‘crafting’ code

CSS Wizardry

Some thoughts on our use of the word ‘craft’ to describe our work

Code 100
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Taming data tables

CSS Wizardry

Laying out data tables in a consistent way, finally!

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Workshop: Smashing Workshops, Zürich, December 2013

CSS Wizardry

Announcing my first workshop in association with Smashing Workshops

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Code reviews as a service

CSS Wizardry

A new service I’m offering: remote code reviews

Code 100
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Workshop: Make Do, Leeds, November 2013

CSS Wizardry

Announcing my first workshop in association with Make Do

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‘It’s because you’re polite.’

CSS Wizardry

A personal post about helpfulness and politeness.

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Let’s work together

CSS Wizardry

I’m looking for amazing people to work with on great products.

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Make it count

CSS Wizardry

Everything you do, do it for a reason, and make that reason a good one.

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Speak The Web discount code

CSS Wizardry

Amazing events with 25% off!

Code 100
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Leeds hangout

CSS Wizardry

I have a couple of days off in Leeds around two conferences; let’s meet…?

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Writing DRYer vanilla CSS

CSS Wizardry

DRYing out our CSS at its most basic level

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Hashed classes in CSS

CSS Wizardry

Spoofing the uniqueness of IDs by putting hashes in your classes

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‘Scope’ in CSS

CSS Wizardry

Applying the concept of scope to our CSS

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The flag object

CSS Wizardry

A new OOCSS abstraction

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shame.css – full.net interview

CSS Wizardry

The full version of the.net magazine shame.

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CSS Wizardry

Keeping track of your hacks

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net award nominee

CSS Wizardry

I’ve been nominated for a.net award!

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Responsive grid systems; a solution?

CSS Wizardry

A look at building a practical, robust, flexible, usable responsive grid system.

Systems 100
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Introducing csswizardry-grids

CSS Wizardry

A responsive, fluid, nestable, Sass-based grid system.

Systems 100
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You know your context – on critical thinking and thinking for yourself

CSS Wizardry

About learning to look at things objectively and apply your own context

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MindBEMding – getting your head ’round BEM syntax

CSS Wizardry

A primer on the oft-confusing BEM notation for CSS

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Your logo is still an image… and so is mine!

CSS Wizardry

Balancing image semantics with performance ideals

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Front-end performance for web designers and front-end developers

CSS Wizardry

A comprehensive primer on front-end performance for designers and front-end developers

Design 100