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NoSQL Data Modeling Techniques

Highly Scalable

NoSQL databases are often compared by various non-functional criteria, such as scalability, performance, and consistency. This aspect of NoSQL is well-studied both in practice and theory because specific non-functional properties are often the main justification for NoSQL usage and fundamental results on distributed systems like the CAP theorem apply well to NoSQL systems.

Database 279
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Amazon DynamoDB ? a Fast and Scalable NoSQL Database.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Amazon DynamoDB â?? a Fast and Scalable NoSQL Database Service Designed for Internet Scale Applications. By Werner Vogels on 18 January 2012 07:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Today is a very exciting day as we release Amazon DynamoDB , a fast, highly reliable and cost-effective NoSQL database service designed for internet scale applications.


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Revisitando la nueva web del Senado


Hace unos días hacía un análisis del rediseño de la web del Senado , justo tras su lanzamiento, desde el punto de vista de rendimiento web y mejores prácticas a la hora de desarrollar sitios web. La nueva web del Senado sufría múltiples problemas poco más que inaceptables para un proyecto tan reciente y con tal presupuesto. Pero al igual que destacaba dichos problemas, unas semanas después debo mencionar que varios de ellos han sido resueltos.

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A new CSS Wizardry

CSS Wizardry

Big changes for CSS Wizardry

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IE10 Snap Mode and Responsive Design

Tim Kadlec

Maximiliano Firtman has done an excellent job providing an overview of what to expect from IE10 in Windows 8 , but I wanted to dig just a little deeper on one feature in particular. In Windows 8, there are two “modes” of use: Metro mode and classic mode. Metro mode sports the spiffy new UI while classic is the same old boring Windows of yore.

Design 75
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My Vagrant Workflow

Abhishek Tiwari

For those who never heard about the Vagrant , it is a very handy way to manage, create and destroy headless virtual machine (VM) environments.

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The Quality Call Option

The Agile Manager

On time. On scope. On budget. The holy grail of industrial, cost-center IT. Plan your work and work your plan. Be predictable. As a set of goals for software development, this troika is incomplete because it neglects quality. That is a costly omission. Poor quality will ultimately steamroll the other three project variables: we'll be late, we'll remove features, and we'll spend a lot more money than we want to when we are forced to chase quality.

Mobile 49

More Trending

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Distributed Algorithms in NoSQL Databases

Highly Scalable

Scalability is one of the main drivers of the NoSQL movement. As such, it encompasses distributed system coordination, failover, resource management and many other capabilities. It sounds like a big umbrella, and it is. Although it can hardly be said that NoSQL movement brought fundamentally new techniques into distributed data processing, it triggered an avalanche of practical studies and real-life trials of different combinations of protocols and algorithms.

Database 213
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Probabilistic Data Structures for Web Analytics and Data Mining

Highly Scalable

Statistical analysis and mining of huge multi-terabyte data sets is a common task nowadays, especially in the areas like web analytics and Internet advertising. Analysis of such large data sets often requires powerful distributed data stores like Hadoop and heavy data processing with techniques like MapReduce. This approach often leads to heavyweight high-latency analytical processes and poor applicability to realtime use cases.

Analytics 191
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Expanding the Cloud ? Announcing Amazon Redshift, a Petabyte.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding the Cloud â?? Announcing Amazon Redshift, a Petabyte-scale Data Warehouse Service. By Werner Vogels on 28 November 2012 09:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Today, we are excited to announce the limited preview of Amazon Redshift , a fast and powerful, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud.

Cloud 152
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MapReduce Patterns, Algorithms, and Use Cases

Highly Scalable

In this article I digested a number of MapReduce patterns and algorithms to give a systematic view of the different techniques that can be found on the web or scientific articles. Several practical case studies are also provided. All descriptions and code snippets use the standard Hadoop’s MapReduce model with Mappers, Reduces, Combiners, Partitioners, and sorting.

C++ 144
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Expanding the Cloud ? The Amazon Simple Workflow Service - All.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding the Cloud â?? The Amazon Simple Workflow Service. By Werner Vogels on 22 February 2012 12:01 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Today AWS launched an exciting new service for developers: the Amazon Simple Workflow Service. Amazon SWF is an orchestration service for building scalable distributed applications.

Cloud 116
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Expanding The Cloud ? High Performance I/O Instances for Amazon.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding The Cloud â?? High Performance I/O Instances for Amazon EC2. By Werner Vogels on 19 July 2012 12:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). AWS customers are bringing their most demanding workloads onto the cloud. These include the likes of high performance computation, for which we introduced the Cluster Compute and Cluster GPU instance types.

Cloud 114
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Expanding the Cloud ? Managing Cold Storage with Amazon Glacier

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding the Cloud â?? Managing Cold Storage with Amazon Glacier. By Werner Vogels on 21 August 2012 12:01 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Managing long-term digital archiving is a challenge for almost every company. With the introduction of Amazon Glacier , IT organizations now have a solution that removes the headaches of digital archiving and provides extremely low cost storage.

Storage 113
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Amazon DynamoDB - From the Super Bowl to WeatherBug - All.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Amazon DynamoDB - From the Super Bowl to WeatherBug. By Werner Vogels on 21 June 2012 09:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Amazon DynamoDB is the fastest growing new service in the history of AWS. In the five months since it launched in January, DynamoDB , our fast and scalable NoSQL database service, has been setting AWS growth records.

Games 113
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Customer Conversations - How Intuit and Edmodo Innovate using.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Customer Conversations - How Intuit and Edmodo Innovate using Amazon RDS. By Werner Vogels on 06 April 2012 06:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). From tax preparation to safe social networks, Amazon RDS brings new and innovative applications to the cloud.

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Fast Intersection of Sorted Lists Using SSE Instructions

Highly Scalable

Intersection of sorted lists is a cornerstone operation in many applications including search engines and databases because indexes are often implemented using different types of sorted structures. At GridDynamics, we recently worked on a custom database for realtime web analytics where fast intersection of very large lists of IDs was a must for good performance.

C++ 102
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Tricks with Direct Memory Access in Java

Highly Scalable

Java was initially designed as a safe, managed environment. Nevertheless, Java HotSpot VM contains a “backdoor” that provides a number of low-level operations to manipulate memory and threads directly. This backdoor – sun.misc.Unsafe – is widely used by JDK itself in the packages like java.nio or java.util.concurrent. It is hard to imagine a Java developer who uses this backdoor in any regular development because this API is extremely dangerous, non portable, and volatile.

Java 101
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Hierarchical Navigation and Faceted Search on Top of Oracle Coherence

Highly Scalable

Some time ago I participated in design of a backend for one large online retailer company. From the business logic point of view, this was a pretty typical eCommerce service for hierarchical and faceted navigation, although not without peculiarities, but high performance requirements led us to the quite advanced architecture and technical design. In particular, we built this system on top of Oracle Coherence and designed our own data structures and indexes.

Ecommerce 100
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My Best Christmas Present ? Root Domain Support for Amazon S3.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. My Best Christmas Present â?? Root Domain Support for Amazon S3 Website Hosting. By Werner Vogels on 27 December 2012 12:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). I have been a big fan of the Amazon S3 Static Website Hosting feature since its launch and this blog happily is being served from it.

Website 100
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Open Sourceome

CSS Wizardry

We’re pretty awesome, really…

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My Git workflow for inuit.css

CSS Wizardry

A brief overview of how I use Git, specifically on inuit.css.

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Code smells in CSS

CSS Wizardry

The things I look out for when writing or reviewing CSS.

Code 100
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A classless class—on using more classes in your HTML

CSS Wizardry

An analogy to explain why it is a good idea to use more classes.

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Announcing pr.ofile.me

CSS Wizardry

A new project!

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Speeding Up Hadoop Builds Using Distributed Unit Tests

Highly Scalable

We recently worked with one of the Hadoop vendors on the continuous integration system for Hadoop core and other Hadoop-related projects like Pig, Hive, HBase. One of the challenges we faced was very slow automatic tests — full unit/integration test suite takes more than 2 hours for Hadoop core and more than 9 hours for Apache Pig. Although there are different ways to alleviate this problem (divide tests into suites, optimize tests by tweaking timeouts and sleeps, etc.), we decided to star

Speed 100
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Total Cost of Ownership and the Return on Agility - All Things.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Total Cost of Ownership and the Return on Agility. By Werner Vogels on 16 August 2012 10:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). In the many meetings with customers in which I have done a deep dive on their architecture and applications to help them create an accurate cost picture, I have observed two common patterns: 1) It is hard for customers to come to an accurate Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) calcu

AWS 96
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Dynamic Content Support in Amazon CloudFront - All Things.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Dynamic Content Support in Amazon CloudFront. By Werner Vogels on 14 May 2012 12:01 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). In the past three and a half years, Amazon CloudFront has changed the content delivery landscape. It has demonstrated that a CDN does not have to be complex to use with expensive contracts, minimum commits, or upfront fees, such that you are forcibly locked into a single vendor for a

Cache 95
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The AWS Storage Gateway - All Things Distributed

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding the Cloud - The AWS Storage Gateway. By Werner Vogels on 23 January 2012 12:01 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Today Amazon Web Services has launched the AWS Storage Gateway, making the power of secure and reliable cloud storage accessible from customersâ??

Storage 94
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Expanding the Cloud for Windows Developers - All Things Distributed

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding the Cloud for Windows Developers. By Werner Vogels on 08 May 2012 02:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). The software that powers todayâ??s world of Internet services has become incredibly diverse. Todayâ??s announcement of Amazon RDS for Microsoft SQL Server and.NET support for AWS Elastic Beanstalk marks another important step in our commitment to increase the flexibility for AWS custome

Cloud 92
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Driving Storage Costs Down for AWS Customers - All Things.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Driving Storage Costs Down for AWS Customers. By Werner Vogels on 06 February 2012 09:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). One of the things that differentiates Amazon Web Services from other technology providers is its commitment to let customers benefits from continuous cost-cutting innovations and from the economies of scale AWS is able to achieve.

Storage 91
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Expanding the Cloud ? introducing the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding the Cloud â?? introducing the Asia Pacific (Sydney) Region. By Werner Vogels on 12 November 2012 05:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Today, Amazon Web Services has greater worldwide coverage with the launch of a new AWS Region in Sydney, Australia.

Cloud 91
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Expanding Flexibility - Introducing the Reserved Instance Marketplace

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding Flexibility - Introducing the Reserved Instance Marketplace. By Werner Vogels on 12 September 2012 01:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Today we launched a new feature that enables you to buy and sell Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances. Reserved Instances are an important pricing option for AWS customers to drive cost down.

AWS 90
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Countdown to What is Next in AWS - All Things Distributed

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Countdown to What is Next in AWS. By Werner Vogels on 13 January 2012 08:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Join me at 9AM PST on Wednesday January 18, 2012 to find out what is next in the AWS Cloud. Registration required. Comments. blog comments powered by Disqus. â??.

AWS 90
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Driving Compute Cost Down for AWS Customers - All Things.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Driving Compute Cost Down for AWS Customers. By Werner Vogels on 05 March 2012 02:01 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). AWS today announced a substantial price drop from March 1, 2012 for many of the Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, and Amazon ElastiCache instances types around the world.

AWS 90
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Back-to-Basics Weekend Reading - The 5 Minute Rule - All Things.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Back-to-Basics Weekend Reading - The 5 Minute Rule. By Werner Vogels on 24 August 2012 04:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). I am in the midst of my South America tour in the beautiful but very cold Santiago, Chile. The AWS team launched this week Amazon Glacier , a cold storage archive service at the very low price point of $0.01 per GB/month.

Storage 85
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A Thousand Platforms. - All Things Distributed

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. A Thousand Platforms. By Werner Vogels on 20 March 2012 09:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Todayâ??s AWS Elastic Beanstalk announcement of PHP and Git support reminded me of the post where I mentioned that we want to let a thousand platforms bloom on AWS.

AWS 82