You know your context – on critical thinking and thinking for yourself
CSS Wizardry
JANUARY 29, 2013
About learning to look at things objectively and apply your own context
CSS Wizardry
JANUARY 29, 2013
About learning to look at things objectively and apply your own context
All Things Distributed
JANUARY 25, 2013
'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Back-to-Basics Weekend Reading - Epidemics. By Werner Vogels on 25 January 2013 06:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). My paper to read this weekend was the Alan Demers seminal paper on epidemic techniques for database replication. I realized that in 2004, before my Amazon days, I already wrote a blog post about the fundamental publications in the area of epidemics, so this seems like a good moment
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Tim Kadlec
JANUARY 27, 2013
Jason Grigsby once quipped that “We’ve remade the Internet in our image….obese.” He was right, of course. Average page weight and number of connections has been increasing at a rather alarming rate. This is why I’ve been so happy to see the recent rash of posts discussing performance as a fundamental component of design. The latest comes from Mr.
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 31, 2013
CloudFront is a content delivery service offered by Amazon web services(AWS). CloudFront serves static contents (images, audio, video etc) using a global network of more than 28+ edge locations. Using these edge locations, CloudFront accelerates delivery of content by serving the cached copies of the content objects from a nearest edge location. Service is highly reliable and designed to be used with Amazon S3 or any other custom origin server.
The Agile Manager
JANUARY 31, 2013
Many years ago, there was a television ad that showed an intruder being chased through a building by two security guards. The guards chase him from room to room, and ultimately down a long hallway. At the mid-point of the hallway, there's a line painted on the floor and wall. On one side of the line is a large number 7, on the other is the number 8.
O'Reilly Software
JANUARY 25, 2013
On an interview with Square, I made the mistake of stating that one of the benefits of working with JavaScript over C is that functions are first class in JavaScript, therefore they may be passed around. To which the interviewer replied, “Well, C can do that, what about function pointers?” What? Luckily, I was able to get out of that jam by guessing that JavaScript had a nicer syntax.
CSS Wizardry
JANUARY 25, 2013
A primer on the oft-confusing BEM notation for CSS
Technology Performance Pulse brings together the best content for technology performance professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Tim Kadlec
JANUARY 13, 2013
When I wrote about IE10 and the new snap mode back in October I advised using width: device-width to fix responsive design in snap mode instead of Microsoft’s recommendation, which was to use width: 320px. Using device-width is a far more future friendly approach and testing I had done on a tablet running Windows 8 showed this worked just as well.
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 21, 2013
Celery is an asynchronous distributed task queue. RabbitMQ is a message broker which implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). Before we describe relationship between RabbitMQ and Celery, a quick overview of AMQP will be helpful 1 2.
CSS Wizardry
JANUARY 23, 2013
Balancing image semantics with performance ideals
CSS Wizardry
JANUARY 20, 2013
A comprehensive primer on front-end performance for designers and front-end developers
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 19, 2013
Way before Google-scale or Facebook-scale existed, there was Visa-scale. This COMPUTERWORLD article from 2001 provides some insights about early Visa payment processing infrastructure.
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 19, 2013
Proud to say that this blog is now written in Markdown using iA Writer, generated by Jekyll static blog generator and hosted by Amazon S3 which costs me less than 1$ a month.
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 11, 2013
First of all Happy New Year to you all. Honestly speaking this post was due in first week of this month but it’s not too late for new year’s resolution. As matter of fact I desperately wanted to write this post - to share my excitement for year 2013 and also humbling experience in 2012.
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 8, 2013
Recently I moved my blog from Scriptogram to static site generated by Jekyll and hosted on Amazon S3. I am a big fan of Vagrant and I really like the way it keeps clean separation between various development environments without affecting host operating system. This post will explain how you can set-up a Vagrant instance for Jekyll based blogging supported by S3 hosting.
O'Reilly Software
JANUARY 18, 2013
Last week, the Internet community lost a member in the on going war against the copyright industry. While I’ve never met the deceased, or even heard of the deceased before his suicide, I’m horrified. I’m horrified that the government we are asked to put so much faith in, would give someone, not that different from myself, such a ridiculous sentence.
O'Reilly Software
JANUARY 13, 2013
It’s all about closures. Understanding scope is paramount to coding. What can you access and what can’t you access. Closures allow us to access variables that otherwise might be awkward to pass into a function. Closures can help us out of tricky situations, but can confuse those from backgrounds with (typically) statically typed languages that may not support closing over variables.
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