Workshop: Make Do, Leeds, November 2013
CSS Wizardry
OCTOBER 30, 2013
Announcing my first workshop in association with Make Do
CSS Wizardry
OCTOBER 30, 2013
Announcing my first workshop in association with Make Do
All Things Distributed
OCTOBER 30, 2013
'Speed of development, scalability, and simplicity of management are among the critical needs of mobile developers. With the proliferation of mobile devices and users, and small agile teams that are tasked with building successful mobile apps that can grow from 100 users to 1 million users in a few days, scalability of the underlying infrastructure and simplicity of management are more important than ever.
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The Agile Manager
OCTOBER 31, 2013
The word "governance" is misused in IT, particularly in software development. There are two popular misconceptions. One is that it consists of a steering committee of senior executives with oversight responsibility for delivery; it's responsibilities are largely super-management tasks. The other is that it is primarily concerned with compliance with protocols, procedures or regulations, such as ITIL or Sarbanes-Oxley or even coding and architectural standards.
Abhishek Tiwari
OCTOBER 18, 2013
There are key differences between deployment and release. Deployment means putting the latest stable version of code on your web application servers. Latest version of code often includes a range of features or improvements. Release means making all or selected features available to the public or end-users. In addition, one main difference between deployment and release is the ability to roll back.
Speed Curve
OCTOBER 14, 2013
New features: Share your dashboard via a private url. Find the link on the "account" page. During site setup you can now add a user/pass for developments sites using basic authentication. On the individual test pages below the waterfall are links to the underlying WebPagetest waterfall and ability to export a HAR file.
CSS Wizardry
OCTOBER 28, 2013
A personal post about helpfulness and politeness.
CSS Wizardry
OCTOBER 17, 2013
I’m looking for amazing people to work with on great products.
Technology Performance Pulse brings together the best content for technology performance professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
All Things Distributed
OCTOBER 4, 2013
'The anonymity routing network Tor is frequently in the news these days, which makes it a good case to read up on the fascinating technologies behind it. Tor stands for The Onion Router as its technology is based on the onion routing principles. These principles were first described by Goldschlag, et al., from the Naval Research Lab, in their 1996 paper on Hiding Routing Information.
Abhishek Tiwari
OCTOBER 15, 2013
In last 5 years or so, content management systems have evolved. New breed of content management systems (CMS) are powered by content repositories. Behind the scenes content repositories use familiar persistence managers such as relational databases, file systems, in-memory etc. That said, content repositories are more than just plain persistence storage.
Speed Curve
OCTOBER 7, 2013
SpeedCurve is now live! To mark the occasion I took the day off work and Helena & Bruno helped send out the launch emails. All done while stuffing our faces with cake at Vevo cafe in Titirangi, Auckland. We watched the stats explode and 3 people signed up for subscriptions before we finished our hot chocolates. Start how you intend to continue I say!
Speed Curve
OCTOBER 7, 2013
See how powerful the SpeedCurve dashboard is for digging into your website's front-end performance. Let me know which parts of the dashboard you'd like to learn more about.
All Things Distributed
OCTOBER 10, 2013
'I am very excited to announce AWS Activate , a program designed to provide startups with the resources they need to build applications on AWS. Startups will forever be a very important customer segment of AWS. They were among our first customers and along the way some amazing businesses have been built by these startups, many of which running for 100% on AWS.
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