Use zero-width spaces to stop annoying Twitter users
CSS Wizardry
JANUARY 21, 2014
A little trick to stop mentioning Twitter users when you write @import, etc.
CSS Wizardry
JANUARY 21, 2014
A little trick to stop mentioning Twitter users when you write @import, etc.
Tim Kadlec
JANUARY 6, 2014
Jason Grigsby just wrote an excellent post talking about how he’s wrestled with trying to define “responsiveness”. When a client comes to us to help them make their existing site or app responsive, we know that we’re going to be using fluid grids, flexible images and media queries. But we also know we’re going to be using much more than just those three techniques.
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The Agile Manager
JANUARY 31, 2014
The growth in demand for software has consistently outpaced the growth in the supply of software developers. This has been the case for well over half a century. It's worth looking at why. Each major expansion in software development - automation (60s), productivity (80s), internet (90s), mobile (00s) - has been additive to the total stock of software in the world.
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 8, 2014
Two days back Scott Brinker published Marketing Technology Landscape for 2014. This is the third edition of his widely appreciated and popular marketing technology landscapes. This version includes about 950 marketing technology companies into 43 categories across 6 major classes. These companies mainly provide software and tools for marketers. This is 600 more than year 2012 and ~9 times compared to year 2011.
Speed Curve
JANUARY 22, 2014
I'm stoked that SpeedCurve has been chosen as one of two winners in the 2014 Webstock Start-Up Alley. I'll be using the 10k prize money and two flights to the US to attend Velocity Conf in San Fran in June and New York in September.
CSS Wizardry
JANUARY 7, 2014
A simple trick for controlling the reach of Sass’ `@extend`
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 6, 2014
You may be wondering what can be common between web analytics annotation and application release. Before I answer that, it will be nice to understand what is annotation with respect to web analytics.
Technology Performance Pulse brings together the best content for technology performance professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Abhishek Tiwari
JANUARY 2, 2014
A very happy new year to all my readers. The excitement of making resolution in new year’s week is practically irresistible. So here I am. This post is for myself more than anyone else.
Tim Kadlec
JANUARY 13, 2014
How fast is fast enough? I’m asked this question a lot. Page weights and load times vary so much from site to site and industry to industry. While it’s easy to spot the obviously bad examples, it can be much more difficult to find the line between is “fast enough” and what is slow. My usual answer of “make it as fast as possible” doesn’t seem to make people very happy, so let’s try to get at least a little more concrete.
Tim Kadlec
JANUARY 30, 2014
Yesterday Twitter went nuts over a little site called “You Might Not Need jQuery”. The site’s seemingly innocent claim was that many things that you think you need jQuery for are actually not so bad in plain old JavaScript, depending on what browsers you are supporting. jQuery and its cousins are great, and by all means use them if it makes it easier to develop your application.
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