December, 2012

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Revisitando la nueva web del Senado


Hace unos días hacía un análisis del rediseño de la web del Senado , justo tras su lanzamiento, desde el punto de vista de rendimiento web y mejores prácticas a la hora de desarrollar sitios web. La nueva web del Senado sufría múltiples problemas poco más que inaceptables para un proyecto tan reciente y con tal presupuesto. Pero al igual que destacaba dichos problemas, unas semanas después debo mencionar que varios de ellos han sido resueltos.

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My Best Christmas Present ? Root Domain Support for Amazon S3.

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. My Best Christmas Present â?? Root Domain Support for Amazon S3 Website Hosting. By Werner Vogels on 27 December 2012 12:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). I have been a big fan of the Amazon S3 Static Website Hosting feature since its launch and this blog happily is being served from it.

Website 100

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A new CSS Wizardry

CSS Wizardry

Big changes for CSS Wizardry

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Engaging Auxiliary Forces for Strategic Software Solutions (Part II)

The Agile Manager

I wrote previously that "if one is to compete, one has no choice but to rely on auxiliaries or mercenaries" when you have to respond quickly to a competitive threat. Before looking further at engaging auxiliaries, it's worth considering the "if one is to compete" statement. As unattractive as it may sound, a firm can opt out of competition. Sometimes, the most compelling business option is to run the business for cash.

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What I Read in 2012

Tim Kadlec

For the third year in a row, my book count is trending in the wrong direction. In 2009, it was 38. In 2010, it was 33. In 2011, that number fell to 29 and this past year, that number plummeted to 21. Not only do I think reading is important, but it’s also something I enjoy a bunch and probably the closest thing I have to a hobby. However this year the reality is that I just didn’t set aside much time for it.

Games 40
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Sutter's Mill

On yesterday’s thread, I just wrote in a comment: @Jon: Yes, C++ is complex and the complexity is largely because of C compatibility. I agree with Bjarne that there’s a small language struggling to get out — I’ve participated in private experiments to specify such a language, and you can do it in well under half the complexity of C++ without losing the expressivity and flexibility of C++.

C++ 40
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Open Sourceome

CSS Wizardry

We’re pretty awesome, really…


More Trending

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An Album for Each Year - 2012 Version - All Things Distributed

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. An Album for Each Year - 2012 Version. By Werner Vogels on 22 December 2012 06:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). About 5 years ago I joined a challenge to list "a favorite album for every year of your life." The challenge has two restrictions: only one album per year and there can be no repeats of artists.

Traffic 71
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Flying solo

Tim Kadlec

On December 10th, I officially started working independently. I keep meaning to get this posted, but the past three weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind with the holidays and a few training sessions mixed in. To say I’m leaving an excellent job behind is an understatement. The position was flexible. The people I worked with were smart, talented and fun.

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2012 Favorites

Tim Kadlec

It’s the end of the year which means that “Best of 2012” articles are all the craze. Far be it from I too abstain from such memes. Here, then, are the five most popular posts on this site from 2012. ## WTFWG. Where-in I get unusually riled up and rant about the picture vs. srcset situation and how it was handled. The conversation has evolved, but I still have concerns about how parts of the process were handled. ## Media Query & Asset Downloading Results.

Media 40
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Responsive Responsive Design

Tim Kadlec

Back in October, I talked about the problem we have of blaming the technique instead of the implementation. I mentioned several examples, but the one that really prompted the post was the myth of responsive design equaling bad performance. The folks over at 24 Ways were kind enough to let me dig a little deeper into the issue. It’s sort of an extension of what I was driving at back in October (as well as what I was whining about in January ), but with some concrete suggestions.

Design 40
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The Back-to-Basics Readings of 2012 - All Things Distributed

All Things Distributed

'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. The Back-to-Basics Readings of 2012. By Werner Vogels on 18 December 2012 10:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). After the AWS re: Invent conference I spent two weeks in Europe for the last customer visits of the year. I have since returned and am now in New York City enjoying a few days of winding down the last activities of the year before spending the holidays here with family.