A classless class—on using more classes in your HTML
CSS Wizardry
OCTOBER 16, 2012
An analogy to explain why it is a good idea to use more classes.
CSS Wizardry
OCTOBER 16, 2012
An analogy to explain why it is a good idea to use more classes.
Tim Kadlec
OCTOBER 16, 2012
Maximiliano Firtman has done an excellent job providing an overview of what to expect from IE10 in Windows 8 , but I wanted to dig just a little deeper on one feature in particular. In Windows 8, there are two “modes” of use: Metro mode and classic mode. Metro mode sports the spiffy new UI while classic is the same old boring Windows of yore.
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All Things Distributed
OCTOBER 12, 2012
'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Back-to-Basics Weekend Reading - Automatic Reconfiguration in Autonet. By Werner Vogels on 12 October 2012 06:00 PM. | Permalink. | Comments (). I wrote this post last week but didnt get around to publishing it. I am heading to Europe this weekend for, among other things, Structure Europe and the AWS Summit in Tel Aviv.
Abhishek Tiwari
OCTOBER 19, 2012
For those who never heard about the Vagrant , it is a very handy way to manage, create and destroy headless virtual machine (VM) environments.
The Agile Manager
OCTOBER 31, 2012
How we contract for software services has a big impact on how successful a software team will be. There are three common ways of buying development and related services: we can contract for bodies, experts or a solution. Contracting for Bodies The simplest way to contract for services is a body shop or staff-augmentation contract. We're developing software in Java, we need Java developers, so we ring up a staff-aug firm and we rent Java developers.
Sutter's Mill
OCTOBER 31, 2012
A few hours ago I sat down to give a short teaser for my webcast talk this Friday. Here it is. Feel free to forward. (I don’t think they believed me when I said I could keep it to under two minutes.).
Technology Performance Pulse brings together the best content for technology performance professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Abhishek Tiwari
OCTOBER 12, 2012
Diary of a Tech Savant and Servant Leader - All things technology, product, and engineering leadership.
Abhishek Tiwari
OCTOBER 5, 2012
Notes plus thoughts from my recent read Cassandra: The Definitive Guide.
Sutter's Mill
OCTOBER 29, 2012
In my talk on Friday, there will be announcements of broad interest to C++ developers on all compilers and platforms. Please help spread the word. The Future of C++. Friday, November 2, 2012. 12:45pm (U.S. Pacific Time). This talk will give an update on recent progress and near-future directions for C++, both at Microsoft and across the industry, with some announcements of interest in both areas.
Tim Kadlec
OCTOBER 1, 2012
It wasn’t what I was expecting, but it ended up being just what I needed. When one of the people who attended Breaking Development in Dallas , told me that on the last day of the event, I couldn’t help but smile. Single-track events are awesome, but they’re always a little nerve-wrecking as well. How do you balance code and design, pragmatic and conceptual?
Tim Kadlec
OCTOBER 1, 2012
Nancy Ruenzel over at Peachpit was kind enough to have me on her “Author Talk” podcast. We chatted a bit about the book , responsive design in general, and Breaking Development. Go ahead and give it a listen.
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