shame.css – interview
CSS Wizardry
APRIL 25, 2013
The full version of magazine shame.
CSS Wizardry
APRIL 25, 2013
The full version of magazine shame.
All Things Distributed
APRIL 17, 2013
'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Expanding the Cloud: Faster, More Flexible Queries with DynamoDB. By Werner Vogels on 17 April 2013 10:30 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Today, Iâ??m thrilled to announce that we have expanded the query capabilities of DynamoDB. We call the newest capability Local Secondary Indexes (LSI).
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The Agile Manager
APRIL 30, 2013
The Lehman bankruptcy is best known as the event that triggered a financial crisis. For many firms, it also sowed the seeds of an operating crisis. Revenues plummeted at the end of 2008. Companies retrenched by laying people off. Managers coped with smaller staffs by asking employees to perform multiple jobs and to work longer hours. With remaining employees grateful to have kept their jobs, and with the economy leveling off rather than staying in freefall, corporate profitability rebounded as e
O'Reilly Software
APRIL 28, 2013
I would like to die on Mars… Elon Musk Elon Musk, the 21st Century Industrialist, Bloomberg Well, isn’t that forward thinking? Granted, the full quote I would like to die on Mars, just not on impact is meant to sound hopeful of his company, SpaceX. I agree that some day, humans will be buried on Mars. But is it forward thinking, enough?
Tim Kadlec
APRIL 15, 2013
On June 14th, I’m going to teach a one-day Implementing Responsive Design workshop at the McNamara Alumni Center in Minneapolis. The workshop will run the full day and will go from the core tenants of responsive design through to more advanced topics such as performance optimization, feature detection, RESS and more. We’ll cover topics from the book, as well as a loads of new stuff.
All Things Distributed
APRIL 12, 2013
'All Things Distributed. Werner Vogels weblog on building scalable and robust distributed systems. Back-to-Basics Weekend Reading - Join Processing in Relational Databases. By Werner Vogels on 12 April 2013 04:00 AM. | Permalink. | Comments (). Joins are one of the fundamental relational database query operations. It is very hard to implement the join operation efficiently as there any many unknowns in the execution of the operation.
Technology Performance Pulse brings together the best content for technology performance professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
Tim Kadlec
APRIL 10, 2013
There has been a lot of interesting chatter regarding SVG as of late, including thorough posts by David Bushell and Chris Coyier. One aspect in particular that is getting quite a bit of attention is the ability to embed media queries within SVG files. Even more amazing is the fact that this was first talked about by Andreas Bovens of Opera all the way back in 2009 !
O'Reilly Software
APRIL 2, 2013
Ever since I learned about Just In Time Compilation from the various Ruby VMs and JavaScript VMs, I’ve been inspired. I could tell you all about how just in time (JIT) compilation worked, and how it could give your interpreted language a speed boost. It was so cool. Well, it still is! There’s a ton of research going on around JIT compilation.
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