CSS Guidelines 2.0.0
CSS Wizardry
AUGUST 15, 2014
Announcing the next iteration and business model of my popular CSS Guidelines document
CSS Wizardry
AUGUST 15, 2014
Announcing the next iteration and business model of my popular CSS Guidelines document
The Polyglot Developer
AUGUST 16, 2014
Anyone who has worked with a RESTful API using JavaScript knows that testing can be a complete pain if the API owner hasn’t enabled CORS on their server. So what is CORS? According to Wikipedia , it is the following: Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows many resources (e.g., fonts, JavaScript, etc.) on a web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain the resource originated from.
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Abhishek Tiwari
AUGUST 1, 2014
SeeWhy 1 a market leader in real-time behavioural marketing, has recently published an extensive and empirical research on ROI of 1-to-1 email remarketing programs. In nutshell, research suggests that an optimised and best-practice driven email remarketing programs can deliver significant incremental revenues (on averages 5.14% and ranged between 2%-9%).
ScaleOut Software
AUGUST 19, 2014
Cloud-based applications enjoy the unique elasticity that cloud infrastructures provide. As more computing resources are needed to handle a growing workload, virtual servers (also called cloud “ instances ”) can be added to take up the slack. For example, consider a web server farm handling requests for web users or mobile apps. Being able to add computing resources on demand keeps work queues small and ensures that web users always see fast response times.
The Agile Manager
AUGUST 31, 2014
"We value customer collaboration over contract negotiation." -- The Agile Manifesto Contracts for software development have historically included language that specifically defines the software being developed. This protects the buyer from paying for an asset that does not serve its business needs, the seller from requirements drift or expansion, and allows both parties to agree to duration and cost.
CSS Wizardry
AUGUST 5, 2014
A collation of the advice I regularly give out to new and emerging web developers
CSS Wizardry
AUGUST 4, 2014
A way to say thank you to the individuals responsible for their companies hiring me
Technology Performance Pulse brings together the best content for technology performance professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
The Polyglot Developer
AUGUST 27, 2014
Creating clean looking user interfaces in Android can often be challenging. With all the screen resolutions and screen densities that exist for Android, a lot more must be taken into consideration than iOS apps. A nifty trick I figured out is being able to use font glyphs instead of PNG or JPEG images. When using standard images you must create an image for every density (xxhdpi, xhdpi, hdpi, mdpi) and even then it still might not look clear.
The Polyglot Developer
AUGUST 25, 2014
It is always nice to have splash screens in your application. It is a great way to get your branding out, and show that your application is currently loading. No one likes to see a blank white screen for five seconds during launch. Lucky for us, it is incredibly simple to add a splash screen to our Ionic project. Using Apache Cordova’s Splashscreen plugin, we can add a splash to our application with just two lines in our config.xml file.
The Polyglot Developer
AUGUST 22, 2014
The future of mobile app design is in the freemium model. No one wants to risk paying for an application that might stink so as a developer it is a good idea to charge for features in your app rather than the app itself. Using Apache Cordova, Ionic Framework , and the poiuytrez AndroidInAppBilling plugin you can easily handle Android in-app purchases.
ScaleOut Software
AUGUST 19, 2014
Cloud-based applications enjoy the unique elasticity that cloud infrastructures provide. As more computing resources are needed to handle a growing workload, virtual servers (also called cloud “ instances ”) can be added to take up the slack. For example, consider a web server farm handling requests for web users or mobile apps. Being able to add computing resources on demand keeps work queues small and ensures that web users always see fast response times.
The Polyglot Developer
AUGUST 10, 2014
There are roughly seven billion people in the world (7,000,000,000) and roughly 6,500 languages. Lucky for us, Android and iOS does not support all 6,500 of these languages. However, many are supported and this means that when you make an application in your native language, chances are your audience is only going to be a fraction of these people. Recently I discovered Angular Tranlate , a JavaScript library for AngularJS.
The Polyglot Developer
AUGUST 6, 2014
Sending email directly from your mobile application might be critical at some point in time. You may want to create an easy outlet for users to send you feedback about your app without having to sift through your website. Using the Apache Cordova plugin, Email Composer , you can easily send email from Android and iOS with Ionic Framework. The post Send Email From Android And iOS With Ionic Framework appeared first on The Polyglot Developer.
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