Hacks for dealing with specificity
CSS Wizardry
JULY 17, 2014
A couple of quick hacks and tricks for manipulating specificity
CSS Wizardry
JULY 17, 2014
A couple of quick hacks and tricks for manipulating specificity
Tim Kadlec
JULY 7, 2014
Myths are powerful things. They certainly have the ability to destroy—we’ve seen that many times. But put the right spin on a myth and you can use it to build up; to create something new and better. Responsive design just can’t seem to shake the rumor that it’s bad for performance. It’s very frequently spouted as a downside of the technique—a reason why you may not want to pursue responsive design for a project.
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The Polyglot Developer
JULY 16, 2014
I recently found myself needing to launch external URLs with Ionic Framework. I needed to let my users contact me via my personal website or visit my Twitter page. This is not a task that ends well when trying to execute from an Ionic view. Luckily, with a little help from the Apache Cordova plugin InAppBrowser , I was able to accomplish the task with very little effort.
Abhishek Tiwari
JULY 27, 2014
After working with Adobe AEM and several other JCR backed content management systems in last few years I have realised that there are a lot of mis-conceptions about Adobe AEM. As matter of fact, brain washing is quite common these days when Adobe AEM is on the table. Sometimes Adobe is on fault, on other occasions rhetoric of competitors, agencies and architects.
The Agile Manager
JULY 31, 2014
When a business or a profession grows faster than the labor market it draws from , it suffers a capability deficiency: there simply aren't enough experienced people to go round. It also suffers a leadership deficiency: there aren't enough people with cross-discipline experience to make competent business decisions. When there are more leadership jobs than there are qualified leaders to fill them, people will be given responsibilities they would not otherwise have.
Abhishek Tiwari
JULY 26, 2014
A recent report by Forrester Research on digital experience delivery platforms has named Adobe and Hybris as leading strong performers. Adobe was recognised for its web experience management suit which includes content management, digital assets management, targeting and personalisation capabilities. Hybris was acknowledged for the e-commerce experience management with strong presence in product information management (PIM) and digital commerce space.
Technology Performance Pulse brings together the best content for technology performance professionals from the widest variety of industry thought leaders.
The Polyglot Developer
JULY 7, 2014
Making great mobile applications used to require a certain type of skill, but with the latest technologies you don’t need much more than basic web design knowledge. With the aid of Apache Cordova , developers can make native API calls directly from JavaScript functions. Pair this with a front-end framework like Adobe PhoneGap or my current favorite, Ionic Framework , and you can create stunning mobile applications with no more than CSS and HTML skills.
Abhishek Tiwari
JULY 4, 2014
Vagrant is a perfect choice for virtual development environment. Vagrant was created and maintained by Mitchell Hashimoto. It benefits developers, operations engineer and designers. Vagrant really shines when working in a team of any size - small, medium or large. It is great technology to avoid works on my machine syndrome and issues caused due to environmental differences between developer and production environments.
Abhishek Tiwari
JULY 2, 2014
Today I want to talk about the performance testing. Automated web application testing is not very rare these days. This includes functional, unit and regression tests at minimum. A good web application delivery approach normally includes a continuous integration setup to run automated tests. Every time a new change is pushed to version control system, continuous integration server should run the automated tests and depending on test results deploy latest build in a staging or QA environment.
Abhishek Tiwari
JULY 1, 2014
AWS allows tagging of EC2 resources using your own metadata (key-value pair). Tagging of EC2 resources is quite helpful in managing instances, images and organise billing by tag names. An EC2 instance can be tagged by CLI tools, API wrappers or using AWS Console when launching the instance as well as after launching the instance.
The Polyglot Developer
JULY 31, 2014
So you’ve just made an awesome app and you have no idea how to get the word out. This is a problem most app developers have, so you’re not alone. I’ve released many mobile apps to the app store, most of them Android, but still a diverse collection. It has been tough work, but I’ve established myself by getting many downloads, maintaining a high average rating, and getting a few hundred dollars monthly in app revenue.
The Polyglot Developer
JULY 28, 2014
I often find myself working with legacy database tables that don’t have primary keys or auto increment keys. In addition to this, I always find myself needing to get the latest record for a particular set of data in my database. It is never as easy as just calling a max in the where clause. A subquery is often needed to get the most recent record in a table.
The Polyglot Developer
JULY 23, 2014
I am pleased to announce my first Unity3D plugin is now available for download. EZ Analytics for Android offers Unity3D developers a native solution for Google Analytics with as little as two lines of code. The post EZ Analytics for Android Released appeared first on The Polyglot Developer.
The Polyglot Developer
JULY 18, 2014
There is often a scenario where you need to download files from a server onto the Android device. This needs to be done without forcing the user to launch a web browser and have interaction as some of the downloaded data might be private. Let’s use the scenario where you’ve made a game and you have in-app purchases. You want to keep the size of the game small for everyone so you decide to put the purchase items on your server.
The Polyglot Developer
JULY 13, 2014
When making an API app or any app that requires authentication it is critical to have a solid sign-in process. A good way to handle user sign-in with Ionic Framework is to make use of the already included ui-router module. The idea behind this is to route between sign in and protected screens as necessary. The post Handle User Sign-In With Ionic Framework appeared first on The Polyglot Developer.
The Polyglot Developer
JULY 9, 2014
Recently I was tasked with trying to determine a distinct count between two tables with a many-to-many and one-to-many relationship. More specifically I needed to find out how many users were signing into the system on any given day. This is not to be confused with how many logins a particular user had for any given day. The post Count Records From A hasMany Relationship In Grails appeared first on The Polyglot Developer.
The Polyglot Developer
JULY 3, 2014
Snapper for Digital Ocean has just been released in the Google Play and iTunes app stores. Snapper makes use of the Digital Ocean public API version 2 which features a true RESTful design and improved authentication. This mobile app, like Admate for Chartboost , was created using AngularJS and the Ionic Framework. The post Snapper for Digital Ocean Released appeared first on The Polyglot Developer.
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