Sun.Sep 15, 2024

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Engineering excellence: the art of doing small things really well

Abhishek Tiwari

Recently I have been reading Art of Leadership, The: Small Things, Done Well by Michael Lopp. This book is an excellent read and it covers small things that you can do to build trust and to become an authentic and true leader to your team at different stages of your leadership journey. Michael use stories from his tenure as manager at Netscape , as director at Apple , and as executive at Slack to capture and distill a list of wisdom to help anyone be effective at management and leadership.

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The funnel of relevance

Abhishek Tiwari

Anyone who has worked with advanced search systems knows the intricacy of boolean operators. AND, OR, NOT - these seemingly simple words become powerful tools in the hands of search specialists. Add in proximity operators like WITH and NEAR, throw in some parentheses for nesting, and you've got yourself a query that can pinpoint exactly what you're looking for. or so we thought.

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Engineering excellence is how NASA flawlessly landed Curiosity on Mars

Abhishek Tiwari

We've all experienced the frustration of our smartphones crashing or freezing at the worst possible moment. So how is it that NASA can land a rover on Mars, millions of miles away, with software that works flawlessly? The answer lies in a combination of factors that set space-grade software apart from your average app. Let's dive deep into the world of aerospace software engineering and uncover the secrets behind NASA's incredible reliability.