Wed.Jul 03, 2024

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Why 85% of AI projects fail and how Dynatrace can save yours


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform industries and foster innovation. However, navigating the path to successful AI deployments can be quite challenging, leaving many organizations to wonder why their AI projects fail. Why AI projects fail According to one Gartner report, a staggering 85% of AI projects fail. Several factors contribute to this high failure rate, including poor data quality, lack of relevant data, and insufficient understanding of AI’s capabilities and req

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The Art of Manual Regression Testing


The tech world of software development is characterized by fast-paced and constant evolution. Code keeps changing, new features are introduced, and bugs are fixed frequently. These changes are crucial for improving the overall development structure. However, they can also upset the ongoing functionality. Manual regression testing — a thorough framework that ensures the stability and reliability of your software while navigating through the wave of changes.

Testing 130

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Driving customer success through the power of strategic partnerships


Keeping a competitive edge in today’s rapidly evolving world requires more than just innovation; it takes collaboration and strategic partnerships. As enterprises globally undergo digital transformations, leveraging the right tools and expertise becomes crucial. A robust partner ecosystem can drive advancements in cloud infrastructure, application performance, and AI-driven insights, ensuring that businesses can deliver seamless digital experiences for customers.

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Easy Guide to Switching PostgreSQL Physical Replication to Logical Replication with pg_createsubscriber


In one of our previous blogs, a custom method for switching from PostgreSQL physical replication to logical replication was discussed, using pg_create_logical_replication_slot and pg_replication_slot_advance. PostgreSQL 17, set to be released this year, introduces the pg_createsubscriber utility, simplifying the conversion from physical to logical replication.

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Introducing Percona Everest: Revolutionizing Cloud-Native Database Management


This month, we’re taking the wraps off something really big — mountainous, in fact. It’s Percona Everest, our brand new, open source, cloud-native database platform, and it’s now generally available to the public. Percona Everest enables the deployment of an automated private DBaaS, eliminating vendor lock-in and complex in-house platform development.